“Silence is the language of God,
all else is poor translation.”
Services | Learn About Our Classes
All classes are conducted at our wellness center and are led by our Dr. Deepak Chopra Centre’s Certified Perfect Health Teacher, Ayurvedic Life Style, Integrative Nutrition and Mind Body Wellness Counsellor.
Dr. Deepak Chopra Center’s Perfect Health Program - Classes
Join Chopra Center’s Perfect Health Program Certified Teacher to learn in depth various practical tools that will empower you to create a perfect physical, spiritual and emotional health.
Perfect Health: Ayurvedic Lifestyle Program is an overview into Ayurveda, a 5000 years old system of traditional Indian wisdom, philosophy, science and historic evidence on how to live and enjoy a balanced physical, mental and spiritual health that is in harmony with nature.
What you will get in this Perfect Health Ayurvedic Lifestyle Program?
Topics include:
Mind, body and soul- the multidimensional life
Nourishment for body, mind and soul - food as a medicine
Perpetual renewal, detoxification, purification and rejuvenation,
Emotional freedom
Intimacy with your self,
Gateways to the inner pharmacy,
Dealing with sensory experience
Chair yoga and ‘Pranayama’
This Program is For You If:
You wish to enjoy deeper peace, greater freedom, and mastery of life.
You want to achieve more balance , energy .
You are ready to make a lifestyle change that will have lasting results.
Benefits of enrolling in this program:
Learn to manage daily life by taping into the wisdom of nature and inner pharmacy.
Improve your relationships with your self and others
Create inner peace
Enhance your sleep patterns
Lower blood pressure
Connect more deeply to spirituality.
Meditation is an ancient practice with a myriad of modern applications and benefits. Beyond helping you ground and relax, meditation promotes flow states, better relationships, and spiritual satisfaction. Yogis have been practicing dhyana (meditation) for millennia. Get expert insight here on meditation and its symbiotic relationship to yoga. The miracle of meditation is no secret. Research shows that meditating can reduce stress, alleviate anxiety and depression, increase your attention span, and deepen your compassion for others, among its many other benefits. Eager to learn more? Register now.
Ayurveda Cooking
Ayurveda is the world's oldest health system and the sister science of yoga. According to ayurveda, there are three doshas, or mind-body types: vata, pitta and kapha. Vata is the airy dosha; pitta is the fiery dosha; kapha is the earthy dosha. The way each dosha shows up inmeditation has to do with their elements. If you have an organized kitchen and your ingredients handy, cooking an Ayurveda meal can be simple and fun, taking about 15 - 20 minutes prep time and around 25- 45 minutes cooking time. In this class you will learn a home-cooked Ayurveda meal that is nutritious and fresh. Eager to learn more?
Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies
Learn how to use your kitchen as a pharmacy to improve your health and prevent imbalances with natural and simple home remedies. You need energy and good health to achieve your amazing potential. What you eat and how you live provide you with the fuel to keep motivated, strong and positive. Regardless of your age, physical condition, or occupation, Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies & Natural Cures is your perfect companion when you need quick and natural remedies for common health alignments. All remedies taught in the classes are natural, Ayurvedic and commonly available. Coming soon.
Healing with Herbal Tinctures and Tea
A tincture is a concentrated liquid herbal extract. It is typically made by soaking herbs and other plant parts in alcohol for weeks to extract the active constituents. Alcohol is considered an excellent solvent because it is food grade and can extract herbal constituents (such as resins and alkaloids) that are poorly soluble in water. After a period of weeks, the herbal mixture is strained and the herb parts are removed, leaving behind the concentrated liquid. Tinctures can be made from a single plant or a combination of plants. Fresh or dried leaves, roots, bark, flowers, and berries may be used to make tinctures. All remedies and tea balance recipes, taught in the classes are natural, Ayurvedic and commonly available. Coming Soon.
The philosophy of Ayurveda is that everyone is unique and that what works to bring balance for one will not necessarily bring balance for all. Ayurveda is a journey to greater self-awareness and oftentimes requires a bit of exploration.
While you might notice a difference in your well-being right away, it is often recommended to take herbs or spices mix for four to six weeks to experience their full effects.
February 2020
- Feb 1, 2020 Dr. Deepak Chopra Center’s Perfect Health Program - FEB 1 Feb 1, 2020
January 2020
- Jan 30, 2020 Dr. Deepak Chopra Center’s Perfect Health Program - JAN 30 Jan 30, 2020
- Jan 29, 2020 Dr. Deepak Chopra Center’s Perfect Health Program Jan 29, 2020
- Jan 25, 2020 – Oct 25, 2020 Healing Anti-Inflammatory Foods Cooking Class Jan 25, 2020 – Oct 25, 2020
- Jan 22, 2020 – Dec 30, 2020 Mind Body Detox Class - Every Wednesdays Jan 22, 2020 – Dec 30, 2020
October 2019
- Oct 13, 2019 Mind Body Detox Class Oct 13, 2019
- Oct 12, 2019 Healing Anti-Inflammatory Foods Cooking Class Oct 12, 2019
- Oct 5, 2019 Foods For Balancing Dosha Cooking Class Oct 5, 2019