The Ayurveda Center |Everyday Ayurveda Daily Podcasts Series
“We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us.”
We have made our podcast available to our viewers who are interested in learning about Ayurveda with our Founder and Dr. Deepak Chopra Center Certified Perfect Health Teacher, Ayurvedic Life Style, Counselor GP. Learn about the 5000 years old ancient science of Ayurveda and it's benefits on achieving perfect health.
Everyday Ayurveda with Prajna Wellness is a remarkable podcast on holistic healing brought to you by GP, our Ayurvedic practitioner. Meditation and Ayurveda are designed to work together to create greater peace and well-being in our lives. Meditation practiced with an Ayurveda initiates deep and lasting transformation in your overall health and well-being.
Tune in each day as GP shares her perspective on the timeless wisdom that defines these 5000 years old ancient sciences. A public speaker, podcast host and Ayurveda expert, thoughtful teacher and a true healer, GP will guide you to connect to your spirit, to your heart, to the sacred space inside where you’ll find peace, truth and clarity. Listen and start tracking and planning your daily health and wellness goals today!
Learn about our carefully picked new line of Prajna Organic Ayurvedic Balance Teas, and for tips on how to stay balanced, while incorporating Ayurveda into your everyday life!
Important note: Before drinking any type of tea for medicinal purposes - including Ayurvedic blends - always consult your healthcare provider.
Everyone loves massages, but few of us get them nearly enough. However, you can receive all the benefits of a massage – plus more – without spending a dime on a masseuse. How, you may be wondering? Abhyanga self-oil massage. Abhyanga comes from Ayurveda, the world’s oldest health system and sister science of yoga, focused on mind-body balance. Want to learn more about what Abhyanga is and it’s benefits? Book for 101 consultation with us.
This is a short quiz to help you determine your Ayurvedic body type or Prakriti (your body’s natural state of being). Keep in mind that this is a mini version of the questions that you would be answering during 101 consultation.
It is just to provide you with an idea of what your Ayurvedic body type may be. In order to fully understand your body constitution, book a consultation where we can get a much more accurate picture of your natural state.
What Is My Ayurvedic Body Type ? And Why Do Body Types Matter?
This is a short quiz to help you determine your Ayurvedic body type or Prakriti (your body’s natural state of being). Keep in mind that this is a mini version of the questions that you would be answering during a consultation. It is just to provide you with an idea of what your Ayurvedic body type may be. In order to fully understand your body constitution, book a consultation where we can get a much more accurate picture of your natural state.
Allergies Bothering You?
Allergies can be really bothersome. The constant sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose and scratchy throat can seriously affect our daily functioning.
Allergies are often caused by an aggravated Kapha dosha and an excess of ama, or toxins, in the body from a weak digestive system, though a person suffering from allergies may not always be of a Kapha predominant body type. A simple way to alleviate some of the symptoms is to drink an easy-to-make ginger tea. Check Out Our products page and learn how perfect tea can balance your symptoms? Remember to drink this tea approximately 1-3 times per day.
If you are curious to find out what your Ayurvedic body type is, then take our online quiz
To find out more book a consultation now.