“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean, in a drop.”
The Ayurveda Center | Ayurvedic Teas, Herbal Remedies & Tintures
Tips For Brewing a Perfect Cup of Ayurvedic Tea for each Dosha (Ayurveda Mind and Body Type)
There are some simple techniques for brewing tea that will make the difference between making a good cup of tea and a great one
Sparkling Clean Equipage
Start with Cold, Good-Tasting Water
Water and Steeping
Basic Method
Scoop 1-3 tablespoons of dried herb into a strainer.
Heat 1 cup of water until it just comes to a boil.
Place strainer in your cup.
Pour hot water over herbs and cover to keep the essential oils from escaping.
Steep for 5 -15 min minutes and strain.
What exactly do we mean by Ayurvedic Teas?
Ayurvedic tea is a key component of the ancient Ayurvedic holistic healthcare practice, which was developed in India about 5,000 years ago to help people achieve optimal health, energy and balance in life.
Ayurvedic Teas are carefully crafted caffeine-free herbal teas that help to balance one’s doshas. They help to regulate and balance vata, pitta, and kapha doshas. The biggest benefits of drinking Ayurvedic tea is that it detoxify your body. Its special ingredients can balance any kind of dosha whether it is vata, pita or kapha. Depending on the mix of botanticals, drinking an Ayurvedic blend can help enhance energy, promote emotional well-being, aid digestion, cleanse the body, calm nerves, or provide other types of health benefits
What are the benefits of Ayurveda Teas?
Ayurveda teas are both anti-inflammatory and analgesic in nature which can help the body in various ways.
Ayureda teas do not contain any caffeine, it is therefore the storehouse of ample energy. It can keep you active all day long. A true energy booster indeed.
Ayurveda teas can help in completely detoxifying your body. It can fully cleanse your body which helps a lot in keeping those diseases away from you.
Learn About 3 Doshas (Your Mind and Body Type) And Which Tea Will Best Compliment You!
People with Vatta Dosha tend to be quick thinkers, sensitive, fast movers, and thin with cold hand and feet!
Vata, has qualities that represent Space and Air. Vata’s are also known to be creative, expressive, active, flexible and quick learning (but forget easily). When imbalanced, Vata’s tend to be quick nervous, anxious, worriers and indecisive. Vata’s tend to enjoy foods that are warm and nourishing such as stews, soups, chillis, root vegetables, nuts and seeds and avoid cold foods and light salads. Vatta type body tends to enjoy gentle yoga classes, which help releases nervous tensions and promote good digestion, clarity and calmness.
“Vata’s prefer calm, cozy and warm environments and enjoy nature walks and guided meditation to help relax the body and mind.”
If out of balance, a Vata type may have constipation, anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, tiredness, a poor memory, and feel ungrounded. Our Ayurvedic practitioners often recommend an herbal tea containing warming spices and herbs thought to benefit the Vata type, such as ginger,cinnamon, and cardamom. Sounds familiar? Want to learn more about Vatta Ayurveda Balance teas? Click here for more info.
Pittas have qualities that reflect Fire and Water- fiery personality, warm body temperatures and medium build.
Pitta body types enjoys cooling treatments and moist conditions that can help regulate our overall body temperature. Pitta’s govern body temperature, sight, perception and metabolism. Lastly, deep breathing exercises and setting realistic goals can help keep Pitta’s core energy balanced and in harmony with the rest of the body and mind. When Pitta’s are in balance they’re warm, friendly, sharp, intelligent and highly organized, however, they can be stiff, angry, arrogant and judgmental when out of balance.
“Pittas benefit from a practice that promotes openness and patience, resulting in feeling of relaxation and restfulness.”
Pitta can find balance through cooling foods and herbs, like cucumber, fennel, coriander, peppermint and citrus fruits, and tend to avoid spicy or fermented foods. Sounds familiar? Want to learn more about Pitta Ayurveda Balance teas? Click here for more info.
Kaphas portray qualities of earth and water. Kaphas are calm, with solid body frames and high endurance. When in balance they can be stable, compassionate, affectionate, patient and forgiving, and when not, they tend to feel lethargic, complacent, possessive and insensitive. Kaphas when sick they may have a build up of mucus, a cough or susceptible to the flu.
“Kapha Body type can benefit from meditation and mindful activities. Kaphas are open to the joy of the life, bringing peace, lightness and inner calmness to the outer world. ”
Kaphas can find balance through foods that stimulate the digestive tract with warming, spicy, light and dry foods and enjoy light fruits, most vegetables and spices like pepper, ginger and cloves. They also tend to avoid oils, nuts, grains and dairy. Kaphas have the best stamina of all three doshas, and enjoy a variety of energizing activities. Sounds familiar? Want to learn more about Kapha Ayurveda Balance teas? Click here for more info.
So which Dosha do you think you sound like?
You can find out for sure what your primary Dosha is by taking this 5 minute online quiz here and for tips on how to stay balanced, while incorporating Ayurveda into your everyday life!
This is a short quiz to help you determine your Ayurvedic body type or Prakriti (your body’s natural state of being). Keep in mind that this is a mini version of the questions that you would be answering during 101 consultation.
It is just to provide you with an idea of what your Ayurvedic body type may be. In order to fully understand your body constitution, book a consultation where we can get a much more accurate picture of your natural state.