The Ayurveda Center | Our Ayurveda Counsellor
“Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being.”
A New Life With Ayurveda: The Inspirational Story of GP Lail, Certified Dr.Chopra Center’s Perfect Health Teacher, Ayurvedic Life Style, Integrative Nutrition and Mind-Body Wellness Counsellor.
Membership, association and affiliation:
Practitioner Member - Ayurveda Association Of Canada
Certified Integrative Nutrition and health coach practitioner member CHCA and C.A.I.N. - The Canadian Association for Integrative Nutrition
About the Founder
GP Lail, BSc BEd MA
Dr. Chopra Center Certified Perfect Health Teacher, Ayurvedic Life Style, Integrative Nutrition and Mind Body Wellness Counsellor.
“Ayurveda was always my passion, now it is my Dharma and sadhana.”
GP Lail is a Certified Perfect Health Teacher, Ayurvedic Life Style, Integrative Nutrition and Mind-Body Wellness Counselor. Her gentle yet effective approach helps you prevent illness and relieve existing concerns. Blending modern diagnostic tools with traditional systems, she is one of the few Ayurveda Perfect health teachers in British Columbia, Canada with extensive training in Ayurveda. She is passionate about helping you transform your health and enabling you to improve your resilience to stress and function at your best in all aspects of life.
“Sama Dosha, Sama Agnischa, Sama Dhatu malakriya Prasanna Aatma Indriya Manaha Swastha iti abhidhiyate.
Meaning he who is healthy who has balanced Doshas,balanced Dhatus excretion of urine and feces, happy soul ,and alert mind.”
I grew up in India where Ayurveda was the norm, everyone ate local and seasonal foods, diet and lifestyle were varied according to the season, every household had some sort of home remedies for common ailments and minor injuries. My grandfather who was a modern medicine physician used to consult his Hakim/Ayurvedic physician friend for advice for his everyday health concerns. My mother and grandmother had their own healing teas and khichri recipes for any health issues we ever had.
My maternal grandfather was a school teacher and a freedom fighter in the independence movement in India in the 1940s. He used to say, that yoga, meditation, and simple diet played a big part in keeping him healthy, focused and calm through all the hardships during the independence struggle days. He followed these practices all his life until he passed away at the age of 98. Most people regardless of their religious faith in villages and cities observe certain seasonal festivals and rituals, most festivals were either celebrated on banks of rivers or ponds and some in accordance to the solar and lunar cycle. Moral science and divinity were part of the school curriculum.
I moved to Canada about thirty-some years ago, lived a comfortable and very busy life with my physician husband as a stay home mother. Raised three kids who are now responsible and caring adults. While I tried to be a best possible, daughter, wife, and mother, along the way I did not fulfill all my responsibilities towards myself. I started feeling the effects of accumulated stress and not so healthy diet and overall busy but not very healthy lifestyle. Lack of self-care practices resulted in stress, inflammation in the body, weight gain and feeling of general malaise. I was not having any major health problem but I was not feeling healthy.
I have an undergrad in Botany, Zoology, and Chemistry and studied herbs and medicinal plants. In the last 15 years I read Elkhart Tolle, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. David Simon, Dr. Deepak Chopra’s and others, this all led me to do something more for my health, and eventually I along with my husband attended "seduction of spirit ", one of the week-long programs with the Chopra Center.
I started regular meditation practice before attending this event, as it is one of the suggested requirements to attend, We had to take a short meditation course to learn and start our meditation practice a few weeks before this event. This, thirty minutes of meditation practice, was actually life-altering experience, my stress level went down, I improved my concentration, my body started feeling better, memory improved and I slowly incorporated other Ayurvedic practices like, diet and herbs as well as mindful and conscious living practices into my routine.
Within a year after I started meditation, I got my certification from The Chopra Center University to teach their Perfect Health program. I have always had a deep interest in Ayurveda and have studied the art of life science for many many years. last few years I have been taking integrative nutrition course, and enhancing my Ayurvedic skills and knowledge through self-study, and taking courses with Kerala Ayurveda. I have taken breast health certification, followed by the course in Ayurvedic remedies under the expert guidance of the one of the most accomplished Ayurvedic physician and authors husband and wife team Dr. Suhas and Dr. Manisha Kshirsagar.
“We at Prajna Wellness are passionate and dedicated in living and offering the principles of Ayurveda, the worlds oldest science and consciousness based system of healing and prevention. We will strive to empower all who seek our services to be able to achieve and continue to enjoy a balanced physical, mental and spiritual health.”
If you are interested in learning more about how Ayurvedic care can help, you may request a complimentary *meet and greet with GP Lail.
*Meet and greets are only for 25 min.
Learn about our carefully picked new line of Prajna Organic Ayurvedic Balance Teas, and for tips on how to stay balanced, while incorporating Ayurveda into your everyday life!