Embark on a journey to create a perfect physical, spiritual and
emotional health with Chopra Center Certified Instructor!
Weekly Meditation Classes
Meditation is an ancient practice with a myriad of modern applications and benefits. Beyond helping you ground and relax, meditation promotes flow states, better relationships, and spiritual satisfaction. Yogis have been practicing dhyana (meditation) for millennia.
Get an expert insight here on meditation and its symbiotic relationship to yoga. The miracle of meditation is no secret.
Research shows that meditating can reduce stress, alleviate anxiety and depression, increase your attention span, and deepen your compassion for others, among its many other benefits. Bring an open mind and heart. All levels are welcome.
Dr. Deepak Chopra Center’s Perfect Health Classes
Perfect Health: Ayurvedic Lifestyle Program is an overview into Ayurveda, a 5000 years old system of traditional Indian wisdom, philosophy, science and historic evidence on how to live and enjoy a balanced physical, mental and spiritual health that is in harmony with nature.
This Program is For You If:
You wish to enjoy deeper peace, greater freedom, and mastery of life.
You want to achieve more balance , energy .
You are ready to make a lifestyle change that will have lasting results.
Weekly Ayurveda Cooking Classes
Ayurveda is the world's oldest health system and the sister science of yoga. According to ayurveda, there are three doshas, or mind-body types: vata, pitta and kapha. Vata is the airy dosha; pitta is the fiery dosha; kapha is the earthy dosha.
The way each dosha shows up has to do with their elements. If you have an organized kitchen and your ingredients handy, cooking an Ayurvedic meal can be simple and fun, taking about 15-20 minutes to prepare and 25-45 minutes to cook.
In this class you will learn a home-cooked Ayurvedic meal that is nutritious and fresh.
Bring an open mind and heart. All levels are welcome.
Join Chopra Center’s Perfect Health Program Certified Teacher to learn in depth various practical tools that will empower you to create a perfect physical, spiritual and emotional health.
Perfect Health: Ayurvedic Lifestyle Program is an in depth overview into Ayurveda and Vedanta, a 5000 years old system of traditional Indian wisdom, philosophy, science and historic evidence on how to live and enjoy a balanced physical , mental and spiritual health that is in harmony with nature.
Our Ayurveda Practitioner and Wellness Coaches are committed to an ongoing relationship so we are better able to understand your situation, lifestyle, and long-term needs, to ensure that any relevant issues relating to your current and future health are reviewed. Ayurvedic consultations are a great way to begin your journey. In a consultation, Our Ayurveda Practitioner, can assess your body's core nature and imbalances, and create a plan for your unique situation, which may simply be some diet changes and herbal recommendations.
Our Integrative Nutrition Certified Health Coach takes the approach that Integrative nutrition is more than just food. We look at our clients’ overall all wellness holistically in depth and explore with our clients’ the idea that the right food and diet can help heal the body physically and emotionally. Our Integrative Nutrition Certified Health Coach is a trained and certified mentor and wellness professional empowering our clients feel whole with food & lifestyle changes by tailoring individualized wellness programs to meet our clients' needs and help them meet tangible goals. Using the principles of Integrative Nutrition, we believe there is more to a healthy diet than just the food we consume daily.
When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need. ~Ayurvedic proverb
According to ancient science of Ayurveda, agni (fire) is viewed as the source of life. Everything you eat is looked upon as an offering to agni — and what’s a more potent, direct offering than food? What you eat can nourish and strengthen this fire, boosting your digestive system — or it can smother it, leading to an impaired, weakened, or imbalanced agni.
What is Agni (Fire)?
The concept of agni, the Sanskrit word for “fire,” is rather essential to the Ayurvedic tradition. Ayurveda views agni as the very source of life. So the importance of agni in Ayurveda simply cannot ignored. According to Ayurveda, harmful foods, such as fried foods, processed meats, and very cold foods, can create undigested residue that forms toxins, or in Ayurvedic terms “ama.” Ama is described as the root cause of disease.
Do you have poor digestion, feel irritable, lack of energy, gas bloating after eating, frequent infections, stressful life and poor eating habits?
This and more can be a sign of weak over active digestive fire due to or otherwise unhealthy gut microbiome. We can help by healthy lifestyle advice, proper nutrition according to your DOSHA IMBALANCE to reset your digestive fire and replenish healthy gut bacteria. We highly recommended that you meet with our Ayurvedic Practitioner to determine which foods work best for your own body.
According to the ancient science of Ayurveda, our vikriti, or current state of balance, will also have an impact on what our breasts may look like and what changes we may notice today. Women who experience abnormalities such as lumps or cysts, or any other breast problem may suffer from heightened anxiety and stress that can result in their overall mental, emotional and physical health.
If you do not know your constitution or current state of balance, our Ayurvedic Profile quiz is designed to help you identify both. Click here to take the quiz.
Abhyanga : Learn the Benefits of Ayurvedic Self-Massage
Abhyanga is the anointing of the body with warm herbs and oil. Abhyanga can be incorporated into a routine appropriate for almost everyone. The Sanskrit word sneha means both “oil” and “love,” and the effects of Abhyanga are similar to being saturated with love.
The art of Abhayanga - Self massage can give a deep feeling of stability, warmth and comfort. Want to learn more about what Abhyanga and other Ayurvedic breast care practices , Book your consultation with our Ayurvedic Practitioner.
If you do not know your constitution or current state of balance, our Ayurvedic Profile quiz is designed to help you identify both. Click here to take the quiz.
An Ayurvedic Treatment For Menopause
Practicing conscious awareness and following simple Ayurvedic guidelines will help to bring about a healthy balance during the tremendous changes of menopause.
Menopause is a natural transition. When a woman's body begins to age, estrogen production declines and a natural decrease in ovarian function occurs. According to Ayurveda this is a very important and special time in a woman's life - a time of transition from one phase of life into another and a time that, if possible, should be cherished and celebrated. Want to learn how Ayurveda can relieve symptoms of menopause? Book a consultation with us.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda, which literally means "The Science of Life," is the healing science from India. It has been practiced for over 5,000 years by millions of individuals to assist the body in journeying back to optimal perfect health.
Ayurveda is based on the ancient knowledge that we all have three Doshas (elemental based energies) which reside in our bodies in varying degrees. When a person is in a healthy state, these Doshas are balanced in a harmonious, energetic tune that reflects the natural state of our bodies. In order to understand our natural, healthy state of being, we must understand our Ayurvedic body type. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are these body types--or the three doshas of Ayurveda.
Ayurveda describes the beneficial, nonbeneficial, happy and unhappy aspects of life. Health is defined as the state of equilibrium of dosha (humours), agni (digestive juices, enzymes and hormones), dhatu (tissues) and the normal excretion of mala (waste materials), along with a happy state of atma (soul), indriya (sensory and motor organs), and manas (mind). Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word derived from ayuh (life) and veda (knowledge), and is also known as the “science of life”. Our Ayurvedic Profile quiz is designed to help you identify both.
Click here to take the FREE online quiz.
Your health matters as health is a process and not a state.
“Yatha Pinde tatha Bramhande”
meaning as is the microcosm so is the macrocosm
You’re invited to embark on a journey into the world of traditional Indian medicine, or Ayurveda, the most well-documented ancient holistic health care system for over 5,000 years. Discover your innate potential for wellness and learn the common sense tools you need to maintain health in all facets of living – mind, body and spirit.
We offer traditional Ayurvedic services, including health 101 consultations, lifestyle guidance, Ayurvedic organic cooking classes and herbal remedies personalized to your unique constitutional needs.
Our multi-disciplinary holistic approach to healing leads to Less pain, better mobility & a higher quality of life while achieving whole-body wellness all under one roof.
Our certified Ayurvedic practitioner will support you in discovering your personalized natural health solutions, whether you wish to address mild concerns or seek support for an advanced condition. Discover how you can ignite your innate healing power for improved energy, balance and peace.
If you do not know your constitution or current state of balance, our Ayurvedic Profile quiz is designed to help you identify both. Click here to take the quiz>>
How The Right Tea Can Balance Your Life?
Ayurvedic tea is a key component of the ancient Ayurvedic holistic healthcare practice, which was developed in India about 5,000 years ago to help people achieve optimal health, energy and balance in life.
What exactly do we mean by Ayurvedic Teas?
Ayurvedic tea is a key component of the ancient Ayurvedic holistic healthcare practice, which was developed in India about 5,000 years ago to help people achieve optimal health, energy and balance in life.
Ayurvedic Teas are carefully crafted caffeine-free herbal teas that help to balance one’s doshas. They help to regulate and balance vata, pitta, and kapha doshas. The biggest benefits of drinking Ayurvedic tea is that it detoxify your body. Its special ingredients can balance any kind of dosha whether it is vata, pita or kapha. Depending on the mix of botanticals, drinking an Ayurvedic blend can help enhance energy, promote emotional well-being, aid digestion, cleanse the body, calm nerves, or provide other types of health benefits
Browse Our Organic Ayurvedic Teas to Balance Doshas
At Prajna Wellness our teas combine organic herbs, plants, fruits and spices. Depending on the mix of herbs and spices, drinking an Ayurvedic blend can help enhance energy, promote emotional well-being, aid digestion, cleanse the body, calm nerves, or provide other types of health benefits. To enjoy these tea, start fresh with a new batch each morning and sip throughout the day. Our new line of 100% USD certified organic ayurvedic teas have been lovingly crafted with delicious organic herbs and spices with each of doshas (Vata, Pitta & Kapha) in mind.